Remember to check the Summer Term Events 2014 tab to keep track of events that you could get involved in!
For example, Battle of the Bands is next month - your Captains will be there supporting everyone who takes part, so why not give it a go? Or even just show your support for your House-mates! Tickets will be available from the Dart, and you can find application forms there too.
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
This term will bring plenty of opportunities to win house points for Sovereign, so keep your eyes and ears looking and listening for those notices in Tutor!
Here are the results for the House Events before Easter, sorry for the delay!
Fantastic effort on both Events, particularly the Element Hunt! For that House Event alone, those of you who took part earned the house 470 points!
Keep up the good work this term. Best of Luck to those of you who have exams!